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This profile has already been viewed 596 times.


1521 points (rank) (Achievements)




Guild of Translators


I always sell Yellow Magic Spheres // Baru

You own a level 100 Baru Cornfield. 23rd January 2011

If you have noticed this notice you will have noticed that this notice is not worth noticing.

Everything is the same, only different.

Guitar sifts some gold out of the river with a gold pan - it is worth 200 gold coins. // x2
Guitar opens a Raffle Ticket and wins 100 gold
Guitar opens a Raffle Ticket and wins 500 gold

Guitar wins the 17400 gold jackpot at the Ferdolian Casino. !!
Guitar gambles in the casino and wins the 3640 gold jackpot.
Guitar wins the 2040 gold jackpot at the Ferdolian Casino.
Guitar wins the 9140 gold jackpot at the Ferdolian Casino.
Guitar wins the 1280 gold jackpot at the Ferdolian Casino.

Nice guys:
StaysNiceGuy hands 1500 gold over to Guitar. ^^


You attacked maidie (Tarunan) and killed her during the battle.
You attacked Garfield aus W9 (Dark Mage) and killed him during the battle.

From Action Freewar:
Kater: ich hab 1,4mio in w1 verzoggt ... sponsis für 1000€ auf rechnung meiner eltern bestellet ... 8wochen hausarrest -.-

in English:
"I gambled 1.4 mio gc away in world 1 ... I ordered sponsor vouchers for 1000€ from my parents' money.... 8 weeks house arrest -.-" :D


The inscription on the gravestone reads: Guitar

Astounded, you realise that the gravestone has your name on it. As you approach, the earth in front of the gravestone falls away.
Enter the crypt

Ziggy Stardust buys YMS




Human Warrior
Human Warriors are very strong and can wield nearly any weapon. However, in the beginning, they are rather poor and their intelligence also has room for improvement.

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